Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Day 57 - Goodbyes are never easy.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Day 56 - Packing Up & Preparing for our Goodbye :( ... and a little Birthday Celebrating!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Day 55 - Hanging out in Havasu
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Day 54 - A rough night
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Day 53 - More waiting.....
Friday, May 21, 2010
Day 52 - a day of waiting.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Day 51 - The Unexpected
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Day 50 - hot, hot, hot
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Day 49 - Family Movie Night
Monday, May 17, 2010
Day 48 - School & hanging at home kinda day....
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Day 47 - Sunshine, Friends, BBQ & Pool
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Day 46 - A lazy Saturday :)

Friday, May 14, 2010
Day 45 - Final Day at Disneyland and a 1:00Am arrival home
With the park opening an hour earlier and knowing that today was going to be our last day, we got up early to be there for opening. The night proved to be quite long though..... my foggy mind thinks it was around 1AM that I heard a vehicle alarm go off. Being totally out of it, I didn’t think it was OUR truck alarm and sleepily dozed off to sleep again. At 2AM when I heard the alarm again, I KNEW it was ours and immediately woke up David to go check things out. Sure enough it was our truck, but all looked fine so he came back to bed. Now everyone was awake and snuggled down to return to dreamland. The phone rang around 2:30AM, it was the front desk informing us that our alarm had gone off and we needed to turn the alarm off. I must say that this whole time we thought the alarm was disengaged. We don’t set it anymore when we are at hotels or home to avoid those false alarms. They wanted us to move the truck, but after explaining that the diesel engine would disturb everyone all over again, our only option was to leave the truck unlocked. Wearily, David crawled back into bed only to find himself tossing & turning over the fact the truck was parked and unlocked. So pillow in hand he went to sleep in the truck. By 6AM he was too cold and came back to the hotel room to catch a few warm ZZZs. By 7AM we were starting to stir and everyone was groggy and moving slowly. We still managed to get our breakfast in, pack up a bit and head to Disneyland before opening! WHEW!! We stood in the crowd as they announced the opening of the park. That is always exciting as everyone awaiting bursts into cheers & applause! SO FUN! Our favorite all-time ride is Big Thunder Railroad. This ride has been closed the last couple of weeks and we planned our trip during this time KNOWING it was due to be opened today! So we rushed to Big Thunder only to find it wasn’t QUITE opened. So the boys and Megan went to Splash Mountain ( it was empty so they went through twice) and Sarah and I went to Pinocchio and the Carousel rides. We met up at Big Thunder and everyone went on excited to {finally} be on the “Wildest ride in the wilderness” :) This time round, being pregnant, I had to sit this ride out so I sat and enjoyed some sit-down time while they rollercoastered it! ;) Megan & David were off to Indiana Jones so Joshua, Sarah & I headed over to Dumbo. This was the first time for us on this ride and we all thought it was fun! Again we met everyone back at Big Thunder -- Indy had been shut down due to technical difficulties before they got on the ride, Megan was disappointed :(. Using the fast-pass they avoided the crazy lines at Big Thunder and hopped on again! David & Joshua left the park to check us out of the hotel and pack up the truck. While they were gone, Megan, Sarah and I had some time to check out some rides. We managed to get on Mr. Toad’s Wild ride and then it hit. We thought we’d get through ONE Disneyland trip without it, but alas.... Megan got sick. She began to get hot and so we got a frozen lemonade with raspberries for her to slowly sip.... no luck. We met the boys back at Big Thunder and she was in agony. Poor Megan. I took Megan out of the park to lay down in the truck (we didn’t make it.... ), Joshua, Sarah & David took a final ride on Big Thunder Railroad and then met us at the truck. Megan was feeling a bit better, but so disappointed that this is how her time at Disneyland ended. Joshua really wanted to get on Mulholland Madness (it was shut down yesterday) so while Megan rested, they quickly went to California Adventure so Joshua could get his final ride in. By the time they got back, Megan was perking up a bit, but it was getting late and we had to travel home still. So, we said goodbye to the park and made a stop at Costco for lunch/dinner. Megan seemed to be feeling a lot better, but was really disappointed not to get on her final rides, so we decided to head back to California Adventure for a couple hours. The girls did Mickey’s ferris wheel while David took Joshua on Mulhalland again. We then went and stood in line to do Toy Story one final time. After standing for nearly half an hour, this ride broke down. *sigh* Twice in one day?! So we took a few photos and slowly wandered out of the park. We began to work our way towards Havasu, stopping at Costco for a little treat. I think we finally arrived around 1AM, it was late! Hard to believe we only have five days left on this grand adventure - we shall do our best to savor each and every one!!