After such a late night the kids were very sleepy this morning. David was up early for his morning bike ride. The mornings here are so beautiful and he enjoys starting his day this way. Joshua was up early, but the girls needed a bit of prodding to get up so we could get going. We packed the cooler with our lunch and got out around 10am and made our way to Joshua Tree National Park. This time we took a different route and went to the North side of the park. Along the way we think we found the official “middle of no-where” :) We also nearly ran over a VERY LARGE snake... eww.... seriously it almost took up the full side of the road (it was stretched out). We came across another one on the way home, but I don't think that one got away. ☹ The North side of Joshua Tree National Park is loaded with thousands of Joshua trees of every shape & size, some amazing rock formations and a beautiful view point overlooking the Coachella valley. From a vantage point of 5200ft. we were able to look down at the Salton Sea which is 235ft below sea-leve, see the San Andreas Fault, and across to two mountain peeks that are 11,000ft high! Amazing elevation changes in a very short distance. After touring the park we made a quick stop at Desert Hill Outlets and had supper in Palm Springs. It was a full and very enjoyable day!

Officially the MIDDLE-OF-NOWHERE.
A critter who popped out of his hole while we were at the visitor's center.
We didn't realize that the Joshua Tree blooms!
So many pretty desert flowers!
Salton Sea

San Andreas Fault
We thought it was quite something to be down in the desert and yet see a snow-capped mountain.
So many of these "piles" of rocks.
If you click on this photo to enlarge it, you'll see a person climbing on there to give you some perspective as to how huge these rocks are. Some of them appear to just teeter up there!!
The kids thought this "cave" looked cool, the thought of rattlesnakes inside kept them from actually crawling in there though.
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