The end of the school week arrived and we were able to be done just after lunchtime. We had a bit of a breezy day today which cooled the pool off a bit. After a BBQ lunch out on the deck, the kids finished up and David took me to Michael’s to get the kids all the art supplies they would need for this year's Art Course. Looks like a fun year ahead of them!! (I knew I’d have a hard time finding the specifics in Fort McMurray). Once we got home we blended up some cold drinks & sat out by the pool - love those kinds of afternoons! The kids have made neighborhood friends, so they were across the street playing basketball for the afternoon. Megan & I played a game of Carcassonne again. Great game! We were all excited to get together with our “American Friends” for a dinner tonight. It’s been so great getting to know Mike & Leslie and now their new little baby girl, Isabella. Such kind, generous people. We had a fantastic time and the kids loved the baby and also their two little dogs!! As we enjoyed a yummy dinner and a patio fire, the time ticked away and before we realized it, it was 11PM! Sarah was fast asleep snuggled up to Megan who was reading and Joshua was tucked in on her other side dozing off. Too cute! We packed up for the evening, bellies full and time well spent with friends & headed home. We look forward to getting together with them again before we leave. Kids crawled into bed, Sarah still fully clothed! We have a field trip tomorrow so it’ll be a short night for them..... perhaps we’ll head out a bit later than planned :)