This morning Joshua & Sarah were up early with me, so we let Daddy & Megan sleep in and went out for a morning walk. I think back to my morning walks with David after he got off the bus and we were all bundled up.... what a difference to be in a tank top at 7:30 in the morning! We enjoyed a yummy breakfast together & then everyone was anxious to get loaded up and off to the sand trails with the ATVs. It took a bit of time to get to the storage unit, load up, fuel up, go back for the helmets (oops), and get on the road, but well worth the effort. Everyone had a blast and got some color on their skin! It was quite windy out there, but it didn't seem to slow them down at all. Joshua even found a jump area with David and they paced it off to see he made 8 feet of air! He thought that was pretty cool!
Everyone was hot, dusty and sweaty so once we made it back to the house, we cleaned up a bit and then made our way to the pool. Although it's nice to have a pool in your own backyard, the kids have enjoyed the HEATED pool in our gated community, and it's much bigger. There's also other kids to play with which has been fun for them.
After sitting in the storage unit for a few months, the quad took some effort to get started. After some pushing and a number of attempts, they got it running.

Sarah wishes she could go all by herself. She can drive on her own, but Daddy or one of the kids ride with her.... just in case :)
Megan loves to take off and explore new trails. Today she found an old car in the sand!
Sarah hanging out and waiting for a turn. She was getting pretty hot so borrowed Megan's hat for awhile.
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