It is so nice to be able to walk to church in the sunshine. We have been attending the baptist church that is down the street from us. After the service this morning and a quick lunch, we made our way down to the lake as this weekend there was a boat show and race. It was ending today so boats were heading out, but we still managed to see some absolutely amazing boats! Some of the race boats do approx. 200 miles per hour and they are too big to travel down the highway on their hulls so they have customized trailers that tilt them up sideways. We were told some of the boats were worth about $1.2 million dollars and the custom trailers about $500,000 (I'm not sure if that includes the trucks they tow them with)! All told, that's close to $2 million per boat; and I thought a Mastercraft XStar was expensive at $80K. We went down to the lake for a walk and it was packed crazy with boats and people. We were thinking it must be insane in the summer, as this is still technically SPRING?! We hit 35C today and with those few days in the high 20s it felt quite hot. We didn't stay too long down at the lake, snapped a few photos of the frenzy and then came home to our pool and all went in for a dip. We enjoyed a vanilla bean frapp while we relaxed by the pool. Joshua met a couple boys in the neighborhood and played basketball in between riding his bike. :) After dinner at the palapa we went for a walk and the kids played outside until it grew too dark.
Note the side by side. This is the preferred second vehicle in Lake Havasu. In Arizona you can license basically anything, even homemade stuff! It's awesome.
Did someone forget to tell these guys there was a recession?
A Spring Sunday afternoon in Havasu. This is in beachcomber channel, not far from the London Bridge.
Where the channel enters the lake.
"The Terminator"
Check out the matching paint job on the semi.

Note the sportbike in front of the boat, I guess if you can do 190 mph on the water you don't want to be left standing still on land! Oh yeah, the sleeper is a small workshop.
Who needs a haircut?
Daddy getting his face free!
Princess Megan enjoying her vanilla bean after a swim.
Cheers to another great day!
Wow can you believe those kinds of boats - lots of $$$$$. Cheers to another great day too Sarah. Love ya all